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Armen Vorobyov

Day By Day Armageddon Beyond Exile Epub 24

Beyond Exile: Day by Day Armageddon - A Must-Read for Zombie Fans

If you are looking for a thrilling and realistic zombie apocalypse novel, you should check out Beyond Exile: Day by Day Armageddon by J. L. Bourne. This is the second book in the Day by Day Armageddon series, which follows the journal entries of a military officer who survives the outbreak of a deadly virus that turns people into flesh-eating undead.

day by day armageddon beyond exile epub 24

What is Beyond Exile: Day by Day Armageddon about?

In Beyond Exile: Day by Day Armageddon, the unnamed narrator continues his struggle to survive in a world overrun by zombies. He and his small group of allies have taken refuge in an abandoned missile silo in Texas, where they hope to find safety and resources. However, they soon discover that they are not alone in the wasteland, and that there are other threats besides the undead. They encounter hostile survivors, rogue military units, and even a mysterious radio broadcast that hints at a possible cure for the infection.

Why should you read Beyond Exile: Day by Day Armageddon?

Beyond Exile: Day by Day Armageddon is a gripping and immersive novel that will keep you on the edge of your seat. The author, J. L. Bourne, is a former military officer who uses his experience and knowledge to create a realistic and detailed scenario of a zombie apocalypse. The journal format of the book adds to the authenticity and urgency of the story, as you follow the narrator's thoughts and emotions as he faces danger and despair. The book also features action-packed scenes, suspenseful twists, and intriguing characters that will make you care about their fate.

How to download the epub version of Beyond Exile: Day by Day Armageddon?

If you want to read Beyond Exile: Day by Day Armageddon on your e-reader, tablet, or smartphone, you can easily download the epub version of the book from various online platforms. Epub is a popular and widely supported format that allows you to adjust the font size, layout, and appearance of the text to suit your preferences. Here are some of the options you have for downloading the epub version of Beyond Exile: Day by Day Armageddon:

  • OverDrive: OverDrive is a service that lets you borrow ebooks from your local library. You can access OverDrive through your web browser or download the app for your device. You will need a library card and a PIN to sign in and browse the catalog. You can then borrow Beyond Exile: Day by Day Armageddon for a limited period of time and read it on your device or transfer it to your e-reader using Adobe Digital Editions.

  • Kobo: Kobo is an online bookstore that sells ebooks in various formats, including epub. You can buy Beyond Exile: Day by Day Armageddon from Kobo and download it to your device or sync it with your Kobo e-reader. You will need to create a free account and install the Kobo app or software on your device.

  • Google Books: Google Books is a platform that allows you to search, preview, and buy ebooks from various publishers and authors. You can buy Beyond Exile: Day by Day Armageddon from Google Books and read it on your web browser or download it to your device using the Google Play Books app. You will need a Google account and a payment method to purchase the book.

Similar books in the genre

If you enjoyed Beyond Exile: Day by Day Armageddon, you might also like these other books in the zombie genre:

  • World War Z by Max Brooks: This is a collection of interviews with survivors of a global zombie war that nearly wiped out humanity. The book covers different aspects of the outbreak, such as the origin, spread, response, and aftermath of the infection. The book is written in a documentary style that gives a realistic and global perspective of the zombie apocalypse.

  • The Zombie Survival Guide by Max Brooks: This is a humorous and practical guide on how to survive a zombie attack. The book covers topics such as zombie physiology, behavior, weapons, strategies, and scenarios. The book also includes historical accounts of zombie outbreaks and fictional illustrations of survival techniques.

  • The Walking Dead by Robert Kirkman: This is a comic book series that follows the lives of a group of survivors in a post-apocalyptic world infested by zombies. The series focuses on the interpersonal relationships, conflicts, and moral dilemmas of the characters as they struggle to survive and find a safe place to live. The series has been adapted into a popular TV show and video game.

Why zombies are popular in fiction

Zombies are one of the most popular and enduring creatures in fiction, especially in the horror genre. But what makes zombies so appealing to readers and writers? Here are some possible reasons:

  • Zombies represent our fears of death, disease, and decay. They are a reminder of our mortality and vulnerability, and of the potential threats that lurk in the world. They also challenge our sense of identity and humanity, as they are former humans who have lost their personality, memory, and emotions.

  • Zombies create a sense of suspense and danger. They are relentless and unpredictable enemies that can appear anywhere and at any time. They also pose a constant threat of infection and transformation, as anyone who is bitten or scratched by a zombie can become one of them. This creates a tense and exciting atmosphere for the story.

  • Zombies allow us to explore different scenarios and themes. They provide a backdrop for various types of stories, such as survival, adventure, action, drama, comedy, romance, and more. They also raise interesting questions and issues, such as how to cope with a crisis, how to maintain social order, how to deal with moral dilemmas, how to define humanity, and more.


Beyond Exile: Day by Day Armageddon is a captivating and realistic novel that will appeal to fans of zombie fiction. The book follows the journal entries of a military officer who tries to survive in a world overrun by undead. The book is full of action, suspense, and emotion, as well as details and insights that make the story believable and immersive. You can download the epub version of the book from various online platforms and enjoy it on your device or e-reader. You might also like other books in the genre that feature zombies and their impact on society. If you are looking for a thrilling and engaging read, you should give Beyond Exile: Day by Day Armageddon a try.


Beyond Exile: Day by Day Armageddon is a captivating and realistic novel that will appeal to fans of zombie fiction. The book follows the journal entries of a military officer who tries to survive in a world overrun by undead. The book is full of action, suspense, and emotion, as well as details and insights that make the story believable and immersive. You can download the epub version of the book from various online platforms and enjoy it on your device or e-reader. You might also like other books in the genre that feature zombies and their impact on society. If you are looking for a thrilling and engaging read, you should give Beyond Exile: Day by Day Armageddon a try. d282676c82


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